Welcome back to school!
Just a few reminders:
Grandparent's Day is Thursday, March 12 from 9:30-11:30. Please be sure to turn in your Grandparent's day form by Friday, March 6th.
There is a half day of school Friday, March 13. There is no after school care on this day.
The friends are now estimating all the way from one to ten!
Creating together in the morning is a great way to practice letter recognition, letter and sound correlation, and writing!
Some of the friends chose to look at the blueprint that Mr. Dersch made for us to work to create their own catapult! They are working on problem solving, creativity, and collaboration!
We are so thankful for our wonderful aides!
During chapel Pastor Reitz read us the story of the Good Samaritan. We learned that sometimes we make bad choices, but Jesus always forgives us! He helps us to help each other, just like the good Samaritan!
After chapel we played in Mrs. Mudd's room!
During small group time the children worked in partners to choose classroom items to shoot off on our catapults. They predicted which item would go farther, and then they tested their prediction.
We also drew pictures of castles, knights, and/or catapults.
The friends also helped answer the questions we wrote about catapults last week based on our experiences with catapults. This activity serves as an informal assessment as to what the friends have learned.
After small group time we danced to some of our favorite SMARTboard songs!
After all of our dancing, we did some stretching to help us cool down. :)
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