Thursday, February 12, 2015

The friends were excited for more stickers in the writing center this morning!  They used the stickers to enhance their creative works.  Engaging in creative thinking is the highest level of thinking (according to Bloom's Taxonomy), and it increases cognitive development. 

Castle play this morning 

Our dressmaker was hard at work designing gowns and capes. 

The knights worked to protect the castle. 

The queen oversaw the happenings of the castle. 

Fun in the commons

During morning meeting, we played a movement game that helped us remember the letters, their sounds, and then we thought of a word that began with that sound.  Adding movement increases activity in the brain which increases the memory of the game! 

We also learned a silly new song that helps us rhyme! 

During small group time, we brainstormed who lives in a castle.  We took three of our roles and brainstormed what they do.  We asked questions about the roles, which will help guide our learning throughout the project.  It is important to understand children's prior knowledge and experience so that we can provide experiences and opportunities to build upon that knowledge. 

We also painted hats that we will use to enhance our castle play. 

We explored the new characters in the mini-castle area.  We role played with the knights, jesters, and kings that are now in the castles.  This will help us as we continue to explore these people! 

After small group time, we voted about what we wanted to learn more about: a king, a dressmaker, or a knight.  A knight won the vote!  We will explore knights for the next few weeks of the Project.  Today the children wanted to see pictures of a knight.  We used the SMARTboard to show a picture of a knight. We discussed what we noticed about the knight. These observations enhanced our play! 

The children were inspired to create their own knight gear!  We encouraged the children to think through how they were going to use the materials to create the gear.  This helps develop problem solving skills, persistence, and allows the children an opportunity to engage in creative thinking.  (As you read above, creative thinking is the highest level of thinking and promotes cognitive development.) 

Other friends used what they know about castles in their play in the mini castles. 

They then extended this play into the big castle! 

During Jesus time, we reviewed the story of Jesus blessing the children.  We were reminded that no matter what we do or how we feel, Jesus AWAYS loves us!  He loves us so much that He died on the cross and rose again to save us from our sins!  

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