Friday, February 27, 2015

Happy Friday!

Don't forget that we will sing here at Zion tomorrow evening at the 5:00 service.  Please drop off your child in the back of the church at 4:45.

Grandparent's day is Thursday, March 12 from 9:30-11:30.  If you have not turned in your form, please do so as soon as possible.

Friday, March 13th is a half day of school.  (School will end at 12:00.)  There is no after school care on this day. 

Our estimation jar has changed again!  We can now have up to ten items in the jar!  The children are practicing estimation, counting, writing numbers, and comparing quantities. 

Maddie worked hard to make a crown for Bryson.  She engaged in meaningful writing practice and creative thinking! 

Joey made a ticket that cost $10.  He labeled the ticket with the number 10 to remind himself of the cost. He engaged in meaningful writing practice! 

Will made a sign in with the Geoboards.  We worked together to write the words to his sign so that we wouldn't forget.  He, too, engaged in meaningful writing practice as well as sounding out words! 

Fun in the commons! 

During morning meeting we played a cotton ball toss game to help us recognize our letters! 

Mr. Dersch, Avery's dad, came in with blueprints for a big catapult and the pieces to make it.

(A HUGE thank you to Mr. Dersch for all of your hard work and help!!)   

The children looked at the blueprints and one at a time helped Mr. Dersch put the pieces together to make a catapult. The children referenced their blueprints to help figure out which pieces go where.  They also helped Mr. Dersch problem solve while putting the catapult together.  These skills promote cognitive development!  Furthermore, this experience gave the children a hands on experience with catapults.  Hands on experiences are extremely important in education! 

Mr. Dersch showed us how to be safe when we shoot off the catapult.  We worked with Mr. Dersch one at a time, wore safety goggles, and only Mr. Dersch was allowed to touch the bungee cords. 

We used various classroom balls as projectiles.  We also problem solved with Mr. Dersch how to make the catapult shoot the balls farther.  We learned that the more bungee cords on the catapult, the farther the catapult shot the balls.  We also learned that the green bungee cords were the best for shooting the balls.  

Mr. Dersch then took the catapult outside, and we were able to watch him shoot it off!  

After all of the catapult fun, we had some time for free choice.  Many of the friends chose to color their blueprints at this time! 

During Jesus time, we learned the story of the Widow's Mite found in Like 21:1-4.  We learned that sometimes we don't want to give our time, talents, and/or  money to Jesus.  We learned that Jesus gives us the riches of heaven: the best gift ever!  Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can willingly give our time, talents, and money to Jesus trusting that we have all that we need!