Monday, October 20, 2014

Welcome back to another week of school!  This morning we voted on what we want to put in the dramatic play center- A Flower Shop or A Doctor Office.  We will evaluate the graph, and use the vote to determine what we put in the dramatic play center!  

This helps children have a voice in classroom decisions.  It was also a fun way for us to sign in! 

Our class is learning how to build and develop friendships!  They are also practicing valuable social skills every day.  Strong social skills impact development in a positive way.  

Practicing the alphabet.

Creating in the writing center. 

YAY!!  We are so excited and happy to play outside again! 

The past few days I have written about the importance of phonemic awareness.  What is phonemic awareness?  Phonemic awareness is the ability to use, hear, and understand the individual sound structure of language. Our friends already have a basic working knowledge of how to use their phonemic awareness around the classroom as they sing songs, chant, and do finger plays throughout the day. Our friends are beginning to enjoy rhyming and using different sounds of their language around the classroom. Phonemic awareness will not only help children learn how to use the sounds of language at a very sophisticated level, but it will also prepare them to decode and read later on in life. 

Rhyming patterns are a great phonemic awareness activity. Utilizing word play, such as rhyming, will help our friends begin to notice the sounds in their language.  The children will begin to understand that language has certain meaning and follows certain patterns. The best way to introduce rhyming to your child at home is to read fun rhyming books, poems, and sing songs. The sillier and funnier that you play with the rhymes around your home, the more your children will be able distinguish the different sound in their language. Plus it is fun to be silly!  :) 
We engaged in phonemic awareness today as we played a rhyming game with Ms. Emma. 

We also explored counting, volume, and estimation as we played with the beans.  The children estimated how many scoops it would take to fill various containers.  

We also strengthened our fine motor skills as we played play doh! 

With me, the friends practiced recognizing various shapes.  There was also a secret message written on the back of the shapes!  The secret message helped the children practice positional words! 

During second free choice, the children enjoyed playing with, exploring, and weighing the pumpkins in the science center! 

Other friends continued to count, estimate, and explore in the beans. 

Other friends deepened their spatial relationship skills in the block center. 

Some of the friends played birthday party too! 

Instead of going to the gym, we headed back outside to play! 

During Jesus time we learned the story of the twelve spies found in Numbers 13:1-14:38.  We learned that sometimes we have a hard time trusting God to lead us.  We also learned that God never forgets us- His people.  He has taken care of our enemies- sin, death, and the devil.  Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can remember that we have a God who cares for us!  We can trust Him to lead us! 

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