I look forward to meeting with you all tomorrow!
Don't forget that there is no school tomorrow and Friday.
The past few days I have written about the importance of phonemic awareness. What is phonemic awareness? Phonemic awareness is the ability to use, hear, and understand the individual sound structure of language. Our friends already have a basic working knowledge of how to use their phonemic awareness around the classroom as they sing songs, chant, and do finger plays throughout the day. Our friends are beginning to enjoy rhyming and using different sounds of their language around the classroom. Phonemic awareness will not only help children learn how to use the sounds of language at a very sophisticated level, but it will also prepare them to decode and read later on in life.
Rhyming patterns are a great phonemic awareness activity. Utilizing word play, such as rhyming, will help our friends begin to notice the sounds in their language. The children will begin to understand that language has certain meaning and follows certain patterns. The best way to introduce rhyming to your child at home is to read fun rhyming books, poems, and sing songs. The sillier and funnier that you play with the rhymes around your home, the more your children will be able distinguish the different sound in their language. Plus it is fun to be silly! :)
This morning, some of the friends sorted the healthy foods!
Many of the friends had fun strengthening their fine motor skills in the play doh.
Other friends strengthened their spatial relationship and creativity skills with the magnetic tiles and blocks.
I can't say enough how thankful we are for our new building! Even though it is wet and muddy outside, we still have a place to run and play!
We then headed up to chapel!
Mrs. Stanglein lead our chapel today! She gave us ideas of some kind things we can do with our hands. We also learned a bible verse. One word for each finger! I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!
During small group time we practiced recognizing shapes. On the back of the shapes were secret messages! The secret messages helped us practiced positional words (next to, under, between, etc.)
We also continued to play with the play doh! The children practice social skills around the play doh table as they ask each other to share the play doh and supplies.
We also played some fun games! We played a matching game, a counting game, an ordering game, and a patterning game!
We played a rhyming game with Ms. Emma to increase our phonemic awareness. (If you would like to know more about phonemic awareness, please refer to the beginning of the post.)
During second free choice, many of the friends worked together to create an animal house.
Other friends worked together in the magnetic tiles!
The friends really wanted to have a dance party, so I turned on some music and the friends had fun dancing!
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