Thursday, October 9, 2014

Thank you for all of the prayers and well wishes!  I am happy to report that my eye is much better!  :) 

Anabelle chose to review the daily schedule independently this morning!  The daily schedule lays the foundation for learning about time.  

Our friends are so interested in letters!  What a great opportunity to practice letter recognition and letter and sound correlation! 

Interest in books is a great early literacy skill.  Although the children are unable to read the words yet, they are learning valuable print concepts.  Furthermore, they are learning to love books! 

Look at our teamwork!  The friends worked together to build with the magnetic tiles.

More birthday party fun!  The children have been playing birthday party for weeks now.  However, their play has matured over the course of our project.  The children are assigning roles to one another, planning where to have the party, writing invitations, writing maps, bringing presents, etc.  This mature play is one of the goals of our project!  Cognitive development happens in mature play. 

What fun!  Today the children did a obstacle course in the commons!  They not only worked their large motor skills, but they engaged in problem solving as they navigated the course! 

During morning meeting, we worked on tracking skills with a familiar song!  The children pointed to the words as we sang them.  We then used our name tags to fill in the blank of different friends.  We did not use the name tags with pictures, and many of the children were able to recognize their friends' names!  

During small group time, we drew pictures of healthy food.  We then dictated why it is important to eat healthy food! 

We also worked with the magnetic letters.  I put out the birthday song for the children, and many of the practiced tracking.  Many of the children also worked to find the letters in their name to put on the blank.  Other children practiced recognizing the letters.  Other children practiced the sounds of the letters! 

With Mrs. Buchholz, we worked to trace our hands and decorate it as a birthday cake!  We are developing fine motor strength as we trace our hands!

During second free choice, some of the friends chose to build in the block center.  Spatial relationship skills are strengthened through block play! 

Spatial relationship skills are strengthened through puzzles too!

Creating in the art center.


Because we were not able to go outside today, we played large motor games in our classroom! 

We also did some yoga! 

During Jesus time we learned the story of Moses found in Exodus 2:1-10.  We learned that sometimes things seem bad, and you don't know what to do about it.  However, God does know what to do!  He gave us His plan of salvation through Jesus Christ, His Son. 

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