Monday, October 27, 2014

Happy Monday!  Today we celebrate Sammie!  We are thankful that she is in our class.  
Happy Birthday Sammie! 

A large part of early childhood education is learning social skills.  Increasing evidence suggests that aspects of children’s learning-related social skills (including interpersonal skills and work-related skills) contribute to early school performance.

When we practice the alphabet as a class, we sing a song to the tune of The Farmer in the Dell.  You can sing this song at home with your children!  (The B says buh. The B says buh.  Every letter makes a sound; the B says buh.)  We work to learn the short vowel sounds for the vowels because they are a little trickier and the children have more time to practice them.  :) 

Drew's mom stopped by, and she was so happy to see all of the support with our friends wearing yellow.  Thank you for showing God's love! 

During small group time, the friends measured each other using the blocks. 

They also made an invisible ink creation!  They colored on white paper with a white crayon and then painted on top.  The paint did not stick to the crayon, so it looks like invisible ink! 

We also worked on our expressive language and storytelling skills.  We started the activity by finding a picture in a magazine.  We started the story based on the picture. The children then each expanded the story with their own page.  They dictated to me what their part of the story would say, and then they illustrated their story. This activity helps develop expressive language and deepens children's understanding of the connection between spoken word and written print. These books will be in the book nook for friends to read! 

We read our collaborative stories together.

Then we planned our play! Planning play helps develop expressive language and cognitive thinking skills.

Free choice play.

During Jesus time, we learned about the Tabernacle being build.  (Found in Exodus 35-36.)  We learned that God is always with us!  He love us so much that He sent His son, Jesus, to die on the cross and rise again to save us! 

We then went back outside to enjoy the beautiful weather.

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