Happy Friday! If you are looking for a place to worship over the weekend, you are always welcome here at Zion! We have services Saturday evening at 5:00 and Sunday morning at 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00. :)
The friends were so excited during morning free choice. There were many discussions about Trunk or Treat and the costumes.
Some of the friends worked together in the block center.
Hunter wrapped a birthday present!
Anabelle practiced the letters.
Of course there was a birthday party!
Because it was so rainy outside, we went to the commons to run and play!
Ms. Robin, Anabelle's mom and a nurse, came and talked to us about how the different foods make us healthy! We worked to sort the foods. We learned that you should eat two of each color of fruit and or vegetable every day!
Thank you Ms. Robin!!
Ms. Robin also brought fun Fall healthy foods for us to make!
During second free choice, we practiced sorting the different healthy foods!
Some of the friends put their new knowledge to the work while they were playing today!
Many of the friends explored the magnetic tiles!
We were not able to go to the gym today, so we did yoga and stretches in the classroom!
During Jesus time, we reviewed the story of Moses found in Exodus 2:1-10. We learned that sometimes things seem bad, and you don't know what to do about it. However, God does know what to do! He gave us His plan of salvation through Jesus Christ, His Son.
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