Even though it was a little gloomy this morning, we had a great day in preschool!
The friends started cooking in the birthday party area right away this morning.
Looks good enough to eat! ;)
Some of the friends practiced the letters and the months of the year together as they played school!
In chapel this morning, Pastor Reitz told us the story of Jonah and the big fish! God forgave Jonah for his bad choices. God forgives our bad choices too!
During small group time, we practiced writing our letters in salt. This is hands on activity connects physical actions with the letters. Connecting letters to movement creates synapses in the brain which help the children remember them.
We worked together on matching dominos today! The children practiced quantifying too!
We also practiced recognizing numbers, counting, and one to one correspondence as we extended an activity from last week. The children flicked the spinner and identifying the number. They then counted out the same number of bears. Then, we compared the sets. We worked to determine which set had more, which set had less, and if any of the sets were equal.
As I have said before, success for each child is different. We celebrate all levels of success in preschool! We also work to help the children move to the next level of success when they are ready. Success for some children in this activity is recognizing the numbers. Success for some children is using one to one correspondence when counting. Success for some children is recognizing which sets are equal, which have more, which lave less, etc. Success for some children is determining how to make to sets equal. Success for some children is putting two sets together and predicting how many will be in the whole group.
Due to the rain, our second free choice time was extended!
Some of the friends were very creative with the bowls...I mean marching hats! :)
Of course we loved exploring the maps together.
Some of the friends explored the magnetic tiles.
Some friends made pictures for each other!
It did not take long for birthday party play to begin.
We had birthday parties all over the classroom!
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