As I mentioned yesterday, magnetic tiles are a popular choice in our class. What you might not know is that the magnetic tiles are a great way for children to experiment with spatial relationships and reasoning. An article by the University of Chicago cited spatial relationships as one of the two most important aspect of early math. (The other cited is numbers and operations.)
You can increase your child's spatial awareness and reasoning at home too! When doing puzzles at home, or even creating with LEGOs use shape terms (e.g., square, circle), dimensional adjectives (e.g., tall, short, wide, narrow), and spatial features (e.g., curved, straight, corner, edge) with your child.
Another popular choice for the friends this morning was big books. Big books are another way to encourage early reading skills.
Many of the friends created in the writing center this morning too.
We enjoyed a cool fall morning outside!
Then, we headed up to chapel! In chapel, Pastor Rouland, one of the Pastors here at Zion, told us about the paraments of the church. The paraments are the special cloths that are on the altar. We change the paraments with each season of the church year. This weekend the paraments are changed to red as we celebrate reformation. The fire on the parament reminds us that God sent the Holy Spirit
During small group time, we played a game called fill the cup! The children worked in paris to roll a dice, identify the number they rolled (quantify), and then count out that many bears into the cup. The children worked collaboratively to fill the cup. This activity strengthens children's counting, one to one correspondence, and quantifying skills.
God made each child unique, and success for each child is unique. Success for some children is adding two dice together and identifying the sum. Success for some children is quanifying numbers 1-6. Success for other children is using one to one correspondence when they count. We celebrate all success in preschool, and we work together toward the next success.
The friends also explored in the beans during small group time.
With Mrs. Buchholz, the children worked on an invisible ink artwork. They drew with a white crayon on white paper, and then painted over their drawing. The paint won't stick on their drawing. This was a fun activity for the friends!
Second free choice time.
We were able to go outside again this afternoon!
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