Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Happy Harvest Party day!

As you know, magnetic tiles are a popular choice in our class.  What you might not know is that the magnetic tiles are a great way for children to experiment with spatial relationships and reasoning.  An article by the University of Chicago cited spatial relationships as one of the two most important aspect of early math.  (The other cited is numbers and operations.) 

You can increase your child's spatial awareness and reasoning at home too! When doing puzzles at home, or even creating with LEGOs use shape terms (e.g., square, circle), dimensional adjectives (e.g., tall, short, wide, narrow), and spatial features (e.g., curved, straight, corner, edge) with your child. 

Pumpkin explorations

Sensory play

This morning we had an earthquake drill. 

The earthquake drill took most of our outside time, so when we came back in the classroom, we danced to some of our favorite SMARTboard songs. 

Before our harvest party today, I read a book to the children entitled, There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Leaves.  This book is a great way to engage in phonemic awareness!  I have discussed phonemic awareness often on the blog, but if you have any questions about phonemic awareness, how it differs from phonics, how you can support phonemic awareness at home, etc. please let me know.  :) 

Then it was time for our harvest party!  Mrs. Mudd came and led the party in our classroom while I went to lead the party in her classroom. 

Thank you to Erin and Candice who came to help with the party!!  

We enjoyed a yummy snack of pretzels and caramel frosting! 

We scratched off leaves to make a beautiful design.

We played a Fall bingo game.

We also did a Fall bowling game.

Then we had fun decorating our faces with funny glasses, eyes, mustaches, etc.

After the party, it was time for more free choice! 

During Jesus time, we learned that God is always with us!  We learned that we don't have to pack His love in a box or a jar, but we take it with us in our hearts wherever we go!!  God loves us to much that He sent His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross and rise again so we can go to heaven! 

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