Friday, September 5, 2014

We had another great day in preschool!

In case you haven't had the pleasure of meeting our Monday, Wednesday, Friday aide, this is Ms. Emma!  We are so thankful to have Ms. Emma in our class on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays!

This morning our friends jumped right into playing together.  

We had fun running and playing outside before it became too hot. 

The children then worked independently to play an environmental print game.   One of the goals of this activity is to build the children's confidence and promote the love of learning.  As they were playing, I heard this discussion:

Friend One: "Can I have the Target?"
Friend Two: "No. I want the Target.  I love that store.  You can have the coffee (Starbucks)."
Friend One: "Well...okay.  My mom loves coffee. Sometimes we go here to get coffee." 

We then had fun blowing watercolor bubbles onto a canvas.  We will hang this canvas in our classroom!  This activity was also a social activity in that there were only two bubble blowers and the children and to wait to take their turn with the bubble wand.  They problem solved with one another and practiced showing God's love as they shared. 

We then explored apples!  We discussed the various properties of the apples and drew our own representation of an apple.  In this activity, the children were using their senses to explore and discover.  A part of early childhood education is fostering discovery which leads to further learning!  

"This apple smells like grass!" 
"Can we plant an apple seed?"
"Why are there brown spots on it?"

After small group time, we moved the apples to the science center to explore and discover more.  As the children explore independently, they are able to pose questions for further learning. As we work together to discover the answers to these questions, the children are learning how to find the answer to their question.  This skill will benefit the children throughout their lives.  For example, 

"Why is this apple bigger?"
"What is this hole?"
"Why is the leaf there?"

Some of the friends played birthday party.  We are getting excited for our Birthday Party project starting next week!  

Other friends explored the environmental print independently.  They are putting their skills to practice!

Joey and Will made forklifts!

During Jesus time, we reviewed all that God made with an active song. The children helped me list various things that God created.  We sang a song (and did a dance together) thanking God for making everything!  We thank God most of all for sending Jesus, His son, to die on the cross and rise again to save us from our sins! 

Then it was time for gym!!  Our friends love to race the teachers.  I can't believe how fast the children are!  :) 

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