Happy Wednesday! We had another great day in preschool!
This morning the friends worked hard together to make and wrap presents. This promotes collaboration, fine motor control (cutting, pulling off tape), and even estimation! ("That present is too big for the paper. We need more paper.")
Of course we practiced writing this morning too!
Before chapel, we went outside to run and play.
"Physically active outdoor play enhances growth by including a child’s whole body in practice and skill development” (Van Hoorn, Nourot, Scales & Alward, 2011, p.293).
During chapel, Mr. Marolf, our assistant principal, talked to us about how we are all different, and that is good! God made us special, and He wants us to show His love to everyone.
During small group time, we worked on patterning with beads and pipe cleaners. (We will hand these in the window of our classroom! Come check them out!)
Patterning is a foundational math skill. As you know, each child is unique and success for each child is also unique. Success for some children is sorting the beads into colors. (Sorting is a pre-patterning skill.) Success for other children is copying a pattern. Success for other children is creating an ABAB pattern. Success for other children is creating more complex patterns. We value all success in preschool!
We also worked together in the blocks. Blocks provide a great opportunity to problem solve, practice cooperation, and explore spatial relationships.
With Ms. Emma, we sorted our bears! As I said previously, sorting is a pre-patterning skills and a very important foundational math skill! The children worked to sort by different variables. Some chose to sort by color. Some chose to sort by size. Some even chose to sort by texture! (smooth bears and rough bears)
Many of the friends are interested in playing clown for the birthday party, and wanted to learn how to juggle. Mr. Marolf visited our classroom to show us how to juggle!
We decided that in the classroom we can pretend juggle, but we can practice juggling outside or in the gym. :)
Joey and Zack worked to make presents for others during our second free choice time.
Some of the friends worked collaboratively in the block center to play a game they called "Shark boy." As children engage in this creative sociodramatic play, they are engaged in higher level thinking skills. Engaging in higher level thinking skills can lead to further cognitive development.
Some friends continued to string beads for our windows!
We went outside for a second time today, instead of the gym, to enjoy the beautiful weather.
Many of the friends worked to juggle our practice juggling rings we brought outside! They are working on hand-eye coordination, large motor control, and perseverance!
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