Friday, April 4, 2014

Happy Friday! 
 If you are looking for a place to worship this weekend, you are always welcome here at Zion!  We have services Saturday evening at 5:00 and Sunday morning at 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00.  See you there! 

This morning some friends practiced quantifying as we played dominoes together!

Our morning was filled with collaboration!  Some friends worked together in the block center.

Some friends worked together in the writing center.  
Megan and Claire worked together on a collaborative art piece! 

Some friends worked together in the sand table! 

During morning meeting we played a letter matching Go Fish game to help our friends match upper and lower case letters! 

During small group time, we extended the collaboration between our friends as they worked together to make block bodies based on each other's bodies.  They also practiced comparing and measuring! 

"I need a small block because there is just a small bit here.  No not that block, it's too big." 

The friends also practiced writing in their journals.  Writing success is different for each child.

Success for some children is sounding out words independently.
Success for some children is copying and recognizing the letters on the word strips.
Success for some children is using correct pressure while making marks in the journal. 

We also extended our learning from the Go Fish game during morning meeting.  Small group time is a great time to differentiate instruction to meet the needs of the diverse learners in our awesome class!  

Success for some children is recognizing a few upper case letters.
Success for other children is matching the upper and lower case letters.
Success for other children is matching the upper and lower case letter to the corresponding sound. 

Due to the strong winds and wet playground outside, we had indoor recess today

.  Our friends love the various obstacle courses during indoor recess! This is a great way to use our large motor skills while still inside. 

The friends wanted Mrs. Mudd and I to try the obstacle course too.  Please enjoy the pictures of our turn on the obstacle course!  :)  

During Jesus time, we acted out the story of Jesus washing the disciples feet.  We learned that just like Jesus washed the dirt off of the disciples feet, by His death and resurrection, He also washes away our sins!  

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