Friday, April 11, 2014

Happy Friday!

Don't forget about the Easter Egg Hunt here at Zion tomorrow Saturday, April 12th from 10 am - 12 pm for children from birth - 2nd Grade.  There will be pony rides, games, face painting, and much more.  Please invite friends and neighbors!  

If you are looking for a place to worship this weekend, you are always welcome here at Zion!  We have services on Saturday evening at 5:00 and Sunday morning at 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00. Hope to see you there!

Puzzles are a great avenue to help children learn valuable skills.  Not only are they practicing spatial relationship skills, but they are also practicing problem solving, persistence, and patience!  

Jacob and Alma practiced letter recognition and letter sound correlation independently today!  One of the goals of early literacy is to foster the love of reading! 

Claire and Sammie made their own graphs this morning!  Look how they are using a graphic organizer to help organize and understand their thoughts and collected information!! 

Avery and Joey worked to create in the writing center.  They strengthened their fine motor skills and engaged in creative thinking! 

Megan, Devereux, Hunter, and Bella all worked together to make a long road for the cars.  The social skills 

 Ms. Emma took half of the children outside while I worked in small groups with the other half.  This is a great time to differentiate instruction for the children!  Differentiated instruction values the abilities of each individual, and adjusts to scaffold each child's abilities. 

During small groups we cut out pictures of different kinds of food. We then sorted the pictures to decide if they were healthy or not.  Some of the children did this activity yesterday.  Practice is a great way to extend and deepen understanding of concepts! 

We worked on our class book of favorite foods, and created a menu for us to use in our dramatic play center.  This was a great opportunity to practice literacy and writing skills! 

Just as God created us each differently, each child's abilities are different.
Some of the children were able to write the words for the book independently.  
Other children sounded out the words for their book independently.
Some children copied the words for their book.
Other children used letter like markings to represent the letters in the word. 

We then finished our beautiful Easter crosses!  We have been working on them so hard!  Look for the crosses hanging on our classroom windows next Monday! 

We had some extra time, so we went back outside together for a few minutes to enjoy the beautiful weather.

During Jesus time, the children requested that we sing praise songs on the guitar!  We know that Jesus loves us so much that He died on the cross and rose again to save us from our sins.  Thank you Jesus for the gift of salvation! 

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