Friday, September 20, 2013

Mark your calendars!  On Friday, October 11th Zion will have our annual trunk or treat.  This is a great fun way for us to gather as a community of Zion, dress up, and eat some candy.  :)  If you have questions about trunk or treat, please let me know. 

Happy Friday!

Check out what we did today!  

We love the reading center!

The children were so creative with their games this morning.  They are really exploring imaginative play!  There are so many benefits of pretend play including language development, cognitive development, self-regulation, and empathy.

Playing "Surprise Birthday Party"

(Avery was the guest of honor at the party.)

The friends did a great job not playing Power Rangers outside today.  We reviewed why we don't play Power Rangers at school before we went outside.  The friends played very well with each other outside! 

When we came in, we took a vote on what we should create in the dramatic play center.  We chose between a Car Wash or a Car Shop. 

We used a graph to easily see which option had more votes. Graphing provides the children the opportunity for children to compare sets.  As we work together to compare the graph, we are learning valuable math skills such as counting, comparing, and one to one correspondence. 

It turns out that more friends voted for us to create a Car Shop rather than a Car Wash.  We will start working on creating our Car Shop next week!

We then practiced cutting.  We cut the papers on which we experimented with paint yesterday and Wednesday.  We then glued the pieces of paper to a large cross.  We will hang this cross in our room to remind us that Jesus died on the cross and rose again to take away our sins.  He loves us very much!

We then started making a list of what we need to create a car shop.  We looked at various books and drew pictures of what we think it should look like.  

We took a video tour of a car shop.  Throughout the video, we made a list of things that we need to create our car shop.  

During Jesus time, we reviewed the story of the Tower of Babel.  I spoke some Spanish to the children to help them see how mixed up the people in the story became.  We then remembered that no matter what, Jesus always loves and forgives us! 

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