Monday, November 5, 2012

We had a fantastic Monday at school today!

Check out what we did! 

The children investigated various pictures of spiders and their habitats.  They made observations about the spiders such as:

"That one has a black body."
"That one is hairy."

Through this activity, the children are learning more about the world around them and refining their visual discrimination skills as they discuss what is the same and what is different.

We learned the Nursery Rhyme, "Little Miss Muffet" 

We acted it out in pairs!  Through this activity the children are learning rhythm, rhyme, and how to portray various feelings! 

Abigail made her own spider to add to our pictures. 

We were excited to find a spider in our classroom!  We discussed what the word habitat means, and how we could create a habitat for the spider we found. 

We sent Mrs. Douglas outside to collect things for the spider.  Through all of this brainstorming, the children are learning more about the world around them and taking an active role in their learning. 

We first had the idea to put the spider in this tub, but then the children decided that was not a good idea because they could not see him as well.  

So we moved him to a clearer tub. Allowing the children to take part in classroom decisions allows them to take ownership of their learning, which allows them to become more invested in their learning, which in turn creates life long learners! 

We enjoyed investigating and making observations about the spider. As the children make observations, they are learning more about working together, listening to other's ideas, and learning more about the world around them! The children exchanged scientific ideas such as:

"I wonder if the spider is a boy or a girl?  How could we find out?"
"I bet the spider would like more leaves in his habitat. Spiders need leaves to make webs."
"If the spider is a girl, it could have baby spiders!" 

We decided the spider needed a name, so we each thought of a name.  We will vote on a name from our list later in the week.  As we vote, we will graph our vote.  Graphing will give us a clear picture of the name with the most votes.  The children will help to read the graph to decide which name has the most votes, which has the least, etc.  (We already discussed that even though everyone gave a good name, it might not be the name we choose and that is okay.) 

We had fun drawing and coloring pictures of spiders too!  The children used the knowledge that they learned from observing the spider as they created!  

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