Friday, November 16, 2012

Just a reminder that there is no school at all next week.  We will see you back at school on Monday, November 26th! 

Also, the Christmas program is coming up!  Mark your calendars for Sunday, December 9th at 4:00 here at Zion in the Sanctuary. I look forward to seeing you there! 

We had a great day in school!

Check out what we did today!

Thanks to Oliver, we added a new spider to our jar today!  Oliver brought a big spider to school for us! (Thank you Oliver!) We had fun inspecting the spider.  The children were able to see many body parts on the spider that they have not been able to see on the small spiders we caught previously.  The children were saying things such as:
"We need to make it a habitat!"
"He is an arachnid for sure.  Look!  He has eight legs!" 
"He might eat the other spiders because he is so big!" 

As the children observe, they are not only learning more about the world around them, but they are also exchanging scientific ideas, and developing scientific reasoning. 

Here is a close up of the spider. 

Chase, Cohen, and Oliver were comparing our new spider to the pictures of spiders we have on the board.  They decided it could be one of two of the spiders.  

Some of the children were inspired to draw pictures of the spider.  Notice the two body parts and eight legs! 

Tommy and Addison worked together to create their own game.  The practiced problem solving together and resolving conflicts using kind words! 

Dominic practiced problem solving and spatial relationships as he worked on the mosaic. 

Mackenzi, Addison, and Oliver enjoyed writing various numbers and letters on the board.  We used our new white board crayons, and had to problem solve how to easily wipe them off.  One of the children suggested baby wipes.  We tried them and they worked great!  Allowing the children to test their theories helps the children develop confidence and problem solving skills!  

We also finished decorating our turkey handprints today!  The children are refining their fine motor skills and expressing creativity!

The children enjoyed a free choice painting today as well.  Again, they refined their fine motor skills and expressed creativity!

One of the children was inspecting the picture of the black widow spider and said, 
"This spider is not an arachnid because it only has six legs."
I checked, and the picture looked as though the spider only has six legs.  I asked the children to come and look for more pictures of a black widow on the computer.  We compared the pictures we found to our picture and saw that indeed black widows do have eight legs, but we just have a bad picture of a black widow.  We decided to print off a new picture so as to not confuse anyone. 

Chase made a spider while playing with the playdough.  He told me, 
"It's an arachnid because of the two body parts and eight legs!" 

Leah also made a spider while playing in the play dough.  She told me, 
"This is a pumpkin spider."
I asked why it was a spider and not a bug.
She replied, "Because it has eight legs!" 

We practiced writing various letters on the SMARTboard.  As they wrote the letters, some of the children even named the sound of the letter.  They are developing as readers! 

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