Tuesday, November 13, 2012

We had a fabulous day in preschool today!  

Check out what we did today!

We learned that spiders are not bugs, they are arachnids!  
(You can use the word arachnid with your child at home too!) 

We made a chart of the differences between bugs and spiders. Noting the differences between bigs and spiders is not only important for discerning between two creatures, but the act of comparing and classifying is allowing the children to practice logical thinking, reasoning, and thinking scientifically. 

We made a model of a bug together.  Note the three body parts, wings, six legs, and two antennae. 

We then made a model of a spider together.  Notice the two body parts, lack of antennae, lack of wings, and eight legs.

Each child then made his/her own bug and spider.  As they made the bugs, I asked, "How do you know this is a bug?"  The children replied, 
"Three body parts!"
"Six legs!"

Note the six legs and two antennae!  It is a bug! 

 Note the two body parts and eight legs.  It is a spider!  This activity was not only fun for the children, but it also allowed to re-enforce the differences between bugs and spiders.  You can continue this discussion with your child at home too!

During Jesus time, we built the wall of Jericho.  
We sang, "Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho" and knocked over our walls, just like in the story.  We discussed that the wall did not fall down because of the people's walking or shouting, but because God helped them.  We shouted, "With God, I can do ANYTHING!"  We also echoed Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." 

We worked on Thankful Books today as well. Through this activity, the children are refining their fine motor skills, expressing creativity, and learning the connection between spoken word and written print!

We enjoyed painting today!  Some children wanted to make a handprint turkey, so Mrs. Mudd gladly helped them!  The children used their senses to describe how the paint felt.  
"This feels cool!"
"It feels cold."
"It feels squishy."
"It feels slimy!"

The children are practicing expanding their vocabulary, using their sense of touch, and exploring their creativity through this activity!

Uh oh!  Does anyone recognize these gloves?  They were found in a nap bag.  

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