Thursday, February 6, 2014

Welcome back!  I hope that everyone had a safe and restful snow day! 

The friends found our new syllable sorting center this morning!  

In this center the friends are breaking words into smaller phonemes-syllables!  Then they count how many syllables are in the word and sort them by number.  Our friend do such a great job with this!

At home, you can play this game too!  When you are in the car-encourage your child to "clap out" different signs you see.  This incorporates environmental print and syllable work! Both of which are valuable pre-reading skills. 

Oh no!  A tornado visited the classroom this morning!  Our storm chasers were fast to follow the tornado at a safe distance. 

Back to the news room.  The friends checked the radar to see if the tornado had left. 

As the friends play, they are using weather vocabulary.

"Check the radar!  Is it clear?"

"The storm clouds are twirling-looks like a tornado's coming!"

"Check the forecast!"

Some friends were saving each other from the tornado!

We looked at pictures of tornados.  We discussed what we noticed.

"Swirly clouds!"
"The clouds are dark!"
"It looks scary!"

We discussed how tornados are scary sometimes, and that's why it's important we listen carefully to our moms and dads to be sure we stay safe.  We also discussed how Jesus is always with us-even when we are scared! 

During small group time we worked on our Valentine's Day bags! 

We played in the rice.

We drew a picture of a tornado with Mrs. Buchholz.  I wonder how our drawing of tornados will change the more we learn about them? 

We also worked on breaking words into smaller phonemes-in this case syllables. 

We sorted pictures by the number of syllables. 

We value each child's abilities in preschool! 

Success for some children is breaking the word into syllables with help.
Success for other children is clapping the word independently and counting the syllables with help.
Success for other children is clapping and counting the word independently.
Success for other children is recognizing smaller phonemes within the syllables.  (Beginning to sound out the syllables of the word).

During indoor recess we provide a large motor activity (dancing, jumping, etc.) inside.  
We look forward to being able to go outside soon!!    

During Jesus time we acted out the story of the Good Samaritan.  We learned that because God loves us, we can show His love to each other!  We discussed ways that we can show His love.  We thanked God for showing us His love when He sent Jesus to die on the cross and rise again!  

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