Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Another great day in preschool!

This morning Bella used her problem solving skills with the magna-tiles.  She could not find any small squares, so she made some using triangles.  Great job Bella! 

Allison worked hard to make a tall tower!  (She had a little help with the top parts.  :) ) 

Would anyone like some ice cream?

Some friends enjoyed drawing, coloring, and writing in the writing center.  This not only helps the children to refine those important fine motor skills, but also encourages creativity which can lead to further cognitive development! 

Exploring light and color at the light table. 

Some friends filled the tubs with various classroom items.  They used comparative words as they filled the tubes.  

"We need more LEGOs!"
"No blocks-they are too big!" 

Dancing fun! 

During morning meeting we read A Color of His Own by Leo Lionni.  We talked about one color we each could pick if we chose a color to represent ourselves.  

During small group time, we did just that!  We each chose a color and created a collaborative artwork.  Each color was used to make a beautiful picture! We discussed how God made us each special, and just like the colors on the page make a beautiful picture, we can work together to help each other and spread God's love!

(I apologize that I only captured one picture of the artwork in progress.  You can see the completed piece hanging in in the hallway. :) ) 

We then completed our "What We Know about Tornadoes" web.  This web allows us to see how much the children have learned over the past weeks!  You can check out the web too!  It is hanging on the bulletin board outside of our classroom.  

We then extended our knowledge about magnets. We tested magnets on various surfaces to see if they would stick. We discovered that magnets stick to metal, but there must be some hidden metal in the walls! We gathered back together to ask question about magnets:

"Is there metal in magnets?  Because magnets stick together."
"Is the metal in the wall only by the turns (corners)?" 

We can use these questions to guide further learning. 

When children are provided with an experience to explore a concept, rather than just listening the information, they are more likely to retain the information.  This also lays a strong foundation for future learning.

We played outside today too!  Look at all of the progress on our new building!  Next year all kindergarten and five preschool classes will be in the new building.  We thank God for blessing our school! 

During Jesus time we learned the story of Mary and Martha.  We learned that God wants us to be like Mary, who was not preoccupied with all of the work, but listened to Him.  We played a game in which the children copied my clapping pattern.  They had to listen carefully to do it like me.  We learned that when we listen to Jesus carefully, we can learn to be like Him and show His love to everyone!   

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