Thursday, February 7, 2013

Zion will be hosting an Open House on Feb. 10th from 1-3 p.m.  This would be a great time to come in and view our Preschool/Kindergarten classrooms and talk to our school staff!  Please invite friends and family who are interested in learning more about the great things that are going on at Zion Lutheran School!

Just a reminder: There is no school Friday, February 15th and Monday, February 18th.  

We had a great day in school!

Check out what we did today!

We stamped with cookie cutters this morning.  We will use these heart stamped hearts to decorate our classroom!

We worked on making a sun catcher out of tissue paper and plastic wrap.  We will use these to decorate our classroom for Valentines Day! 

We built a tall marble slide!  The children worked cooperatively together to complete the slide. A large part of Early Childhood Education is learning how to work together and use positive social interactions.

We were entertained by a wonderful puppet show.  The puppets were not showing God's love to one another.  They (the puppets) then worked together to show God's love. The children created this show all by themselves.  It is evident that the Lord lives in their hearts! 

We had fun graphing gummy bears too! We did not eat any of the gummy bears in school. The children sorted their gummy bears by color and graph each bear.  Again, this activity allows the children to practice one to one correspondence, visual discrimination as they sort, and comparing as they check to see which color bear has the most and which has the least.

We practiced counting, one to one correspondence, and number recognition as we ‘fed’ penguins. I wrote the numbers one to twenty on twenty penguin cards. The children used goldfish to count out the correct number of fish for the penguin on the card.  

The children played a game with foam hearts. Mrs. Mudd gave each child a handful of hearts, and they rolled dice together.  The children removed the number of hearts from their pile that is displayed on the dice.  In this activity, the children are again practicing counting and one to one correspondence which are important math skills!

We started making penguins using water bottles, cotton, paper, and google eyes.  The children refined their fine motor skills as they worked to push the cotton in the water bottle and cut out wings, a beak, and feet.  Fine motor skills are important because those are the skills that are so important for writing and doing other small tasks such as zipping up a coat, buttoning, and tying shoes!

We also measured to see if we are taller than a penguin or not!  The children are learning to use non-standard units of measurement in this activity.  Each child predicted whether or not he/she would be taller than the penguin.  We graphed the predictions and results! We are learning how to compare as we look at the graph and see if more friends think they will be taller or more friends think that they will be shorter.  We also recorded our heights with tape on the penguin.

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