Thursday, February 14, 2013

There is no school Friday, February 15th and Monday, February 18th.  

We had a great day in school!

Check out what we did today!

We started our day creating in the art center.  Some of the children made Valentine's, while other children created other things!  The children are refining their fine motor skills and engaging in creative thinking as they create!

Some of the children created a game on the blue carpet.  They jumped to only touch the blue letters.  They made rules for how they could jump, and what happened if they touched a letter that was not blue.  They are not only engaging in creative thinking, but they are also learning how to work together! 

Allison decorated the carpet for us!  She was sure to sort all of the jewels before she decorated.  Sorting is a foundational math skill! 

Oliver worked hard to make a tow truck with the trucks.  He practiced problem solving skills!

During morning meeting, I put the children in different groups.  The children had to guess what each group had that was the same.  Below are two pictures of groups that had the same color shirt on today.  The children are engaging in critical thinking skills as they think about how the groups are separated!

During Jesus time, we learned what Lent is.  We learned that Jesus went through a lot of pain and died to save us from our sins.  We also learned that He did not stay dead!  He rose again!  We thanked Jesus for loving us so much that He died and rose again for us! 

We sorted conversation hearts by color and then graphed the different colors.  We compared the graph to determine which color had the most and which color had the least.  Sorting and comparing are foundational math skills!  Graphs help children learn how to answer a question, organize information, and create an accurate representation for collected information.

We sorted Valentine conversation hearts by color.  We then counted how many hearts were in each group.  The children are practicing one to one correspondence in this activity.  One to one correspondence is when one number name is given to one item.  This foundational math skill allows the children to accurately count and compare numbers.

We practiced using non-standard units of measurements as we used Valentine hearts to measure various classroom items. Using non-standard units of measurement is important because in order to help children learn accurate measuring skills, we start measuring items using something children already know.  (Hands, yarn, Valentine hearts)  From there, the children will build the foundation for further measurement learning!
We also practiced our writing skills as we wrote the how many hearts long the different items were.

Oliver and Brian worked together to measure Brian's shoe.  Great teamwork Oliver and Brian!

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