Thursday, April 2, 2015

Happy Easter!  (A little early...) 

Don't forget that we do not have school tomorrow or next week for our Easter break.  

Today my mom visited our classroom! 

We went to chapel with the whole school.  Pastor Rouland shared with us how Jesus is the bread of life.  Because of His death and resurrection, we can have eternal life with him!

After chapel we had a lot of fun on the big playground! 

During small group time we made signs to remind us of the different commands we learned.  Some of the friends chose to draw a picture of the command.  Some used controlled linear scribbles to write the command.  Some friends used they letter/sound knowledge to sound out the words in the command.  

We also made a cross with white crayon and painted on top of it to remind us that Easter is all about Jesus rising from the dead! 

We played the game where friends hold up a card on either side of the blanket. Once the blanket it dropped, the friends on the opposite side identify the number that they see their friend holding.  The children love this game, and it is a great way to practice number recognition.  

Incorporating writing into our play as we sign up to adopt a dog. 

Exploring the rocks and water with squirters 

Building our own dog houses 

Brynne and Julia started a dog show!  They worked hard to write the signs for the show. 

Let the show begin! 

Riley read the Easter story.  When she was done reading, she reminded everyone that we celebrate Easter because Jesus is alive!  

Training dogs for the show

Victoria worked hard at the easel! 

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