Friday, January 24, 2014

Happy Friday!  

If you are looking for a place to worship over the weekend, you are always welcome here at Zion!  We have services Saturday evening at 5:00 and Sunday morning at 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00.  See you there! 

Today we are thankful for Joey!  Happy half birthday Joey! 

This morning Blake used his creative thinking skills to make a kite using the lacing cards.  

Many friends chose to play in the weather station.  As the friends played with the keyboards, they were identifying the letters the saw!  What a great way to practice letter recognition in a child-initiated way!

Andrew worked hard to find all of the letters in his name!

Each day in preschool we review the alphabet together.  We attach a concrete object to the letter to make the letters more meaningful to the children and also to help learn letter sounds! 

Preschool teachers are often asked, "How do you meet the needs of the children in your class with such a wide age range?"  

Small group time is one way we differentiate the activities for each child.  Therefore, small group time an extremely valuable time in our day. 

For example, today we took a critical look at the five day weather forecast we created as a class and some examples of five day forecasts.  We noticed that our forecast had no numbers!  The children decided to write numbers for our forecast.   

Writing success for children is different for each child.  

For example, writing success for children in our class includes:

  • using the hand over hand technique which allows the children to feel correct pressure, pencil grip, and number formation
  • writing the letter by copying pre-written numbers
  • writing numbers by listening to their name
  • writing a number and saying, "I wrote 22!" 

During small group time we also explored what would happen when mixing corn starch and water! 

"It's so sticky!"
"It feels so wet!" 
"It's kinda squishy!" 

This exploration was not only a sensory exploration, but also an opportunity for vocabulary growth! 

We painted with forks with Ms. Emma today too! 

We had a lot of questions about the numbers on the five day forecast, so we did some research!  We learned that the numbers correspond to the temperature.  The higher the number, the higher the temperature.  

One of our friends showed that he understood this concept by saying, "I bet it's a low number outside today!" 

We miss going outside, but we have faith that someday it will be warm enough to venture outside!  Until then, we have fun with indoor recess. 

During Jesus time we acted out the story of Jesus healing the blind beggar.  We learned that just like Jesus took away the blind beggars blindness, He also takes away our sin!  Because of His death and resurrection, there is a place for us in heaven!! 

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