Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Brrr!  Although it's cold outside, we had a great day in preschool! 

We love our new magna tiles!  (A HUGE thank you to Zion's PTL for purchasing these for us!) The magna tiles provide a setting to explore 2-D shapes, spatial relationships, problem solving, creativity,  and even  3-D shapes!  We learned how to make a cube and a pyramid.  The children are not only exploring math concepts, they are also learning new vocabulary!  


Because of the cold weather, we have not been able to go outside.  We try to provide as many large motor activities indoor.  One of our favorite large motor activities is dancing! 

This morning we continued to explore clouds as a part of Phase Two of our weather project.  One of the questions from last week was "How do clouds do different things?" 

We explored this concept further by discussing how clouds are made up of water.  

We explored the changing state of water with boiling water turning to steam, then back to water when it cooled.  We also put a bowl of water outside to see if it would freeze.  We explored this more during small group time.


Before we started small group time, we read the book If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. The children used the felt pieces to help re-tell the story during small group time. The ability to re-tell a story is a valuable pre-reading skill!

Of course we danced and ran on the blue carpet for some large motor time! 

We also did a marble painting with Mrs. Buchholz! 

We had fun exploring the different states of water. (We did discuss how only Mrs. Douglas goes near the steam because it is very hot!) 

(Uh oh!  I am not sure why the next few pictures are so large.  Enjoy the close up view!  :)  )   

Mrs. Mudd's class came over and we practiced the song that we will sing in church on Saturday, February 1st at 5:00.  Here are the words in case you would like to practice the song with your child at home.

If I were a butterfly
I'd thank you Lord for giving me wings
If I were a robin in a tree 
I'd thank you Lord that I could sing
If I were a fish in the sea
I'd wiggle my tail and I'd giggle with glee
But I just thank you Father for making me, me
For you gave me a heart and you gave me a smile
You gave me Jesus and you made me your child
And I just thank you Father for making me, me
If I were an elephant 
I'd thank you Lord by raising my trunk
If I were a kangaroo
You know I'd hop right up to you
If I were an octopus
I'd thank you Lord for my fine looks
But I just thank you Father for making me, me


We then enjoyed dancing with Mrs. Mudd's class! 

We also had some indoor recess fun! 

Before Jesus time we checked the cup of water that we placed outside earlier in the day.  It had frozen!  We discussed how water can do different things!  It can turn to steam when it's super hot and it can turn to ice when it's super cold! 

During Jesus time we learned the story of Jesus healing the blind man.  For a few moments we pretended that we were blind; we discussed what we would miss most if we were blind.  We then discussed how just as Jesus gave the blind man his sight, Jesus gives us eternal life in heaven with Him! 

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