Wednesday, August 21, 2013

We had a great day in preschool!  

Check out what we did today!

During free choice today, many of the friends counted how many scoops of beans it would take to fill the bowl.  We discovered that the number of scoops depended on the size of the cup used to fill the bowl.  We then estimated how many scoops of beans are in the sensory table.  This is one great example of children learning through play!  The children were invested in the exploration because they initiated it.  Therefore, the counting, comparing, and sharing of opinions that happened during the exploration is that much more of a meaningful learning experience.  

As I am sure you know, it is important that children are provided a time in which they can play freely. It is through play that children begin to formulate an idea of their place in 
the world, and develop their physical, cognitive, emotional and social skills.  

We also enjoyed working those important fine motor skills through play dough today.  We will continue to exercise our fine motor skills because strong fine motor skills are needed to do smaller tasks such as writing!


We picked our classroom jobs again today!  (I apologize that I do not have a picture of every job, but every child in the class has a job each day.)

Classroom jobs provide an opportunity for the children to take ownership of the classroom.  Furthermore classroom jobs provide an opportunity to practice responsibility.  


Calendar helper

Bathroom Monitor

We also went to chapel this morning!  We learned how to behave in chapel and our chapel routines.  We learned that Jesus loves us all the time!  We said the Lord's prayer together and thanked God for school! 

We came back to the classroom and discussed how God made each of our fingerprints differently.  We looked at our fingers and talked about how we could show God's love with our fingers.  We then used our fingers to make a beautiful painting!  

We read many books together throughout the day here in preschool!  Although the children might not be able to read the words in the books, they are learning valuable concepts of print (understanding that words have meaning, identifying the cover of books, naming a few letters on the page, etc.)  which are pre-reading skills!

We continued our discussion of emotions today!  We practiced making faces to help us identify various emotions.  We will use these pictures to make an emotions chart in our classroom.  (If you do not see your child's emotion picture in today's blog, it will be in tomorrows blog.)

We focus on feelings in early childhood because learning about feelings can help children identify and express their emotions in a more positive way.  In addition, learning about feelings can help children respond to other's emotions appropriately.  When children can identify other's emotions and respond in an appropriate way, they are able to show God's love!   








We can't wait for another great day in preschool tomorrow!  

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