Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Happy first day of school!!

We had a great first day today!!  Check out what we did!

But first, a few reminders  :) 

Please be sure to pack your child a snack labeled with his/her name. 
Please be sure to bring any utensils that your child will need for snack/lunch.
Check your child's folder each night for important notes.  (Today you will receive a note about purchasing school lunches on-line.) 

The whole school gathered this morning to take a group picture.  Look how blessed we are at Zion!

For the first two weeks of school, we will be learning our school routines.  It is important for children to learn the routines of school so that the rest of the year can run smoothly.  When all children know the routines, it creates a safe, predictable environment.  This safe, predictable environment is optimal for learning!

We did a great job learning how we walk in the hallway with a bubble in our mouth and hands to our side!

We also did a great job practicing walking in a line! 

We had fun meeting each other! 

We also met our friend Drew who couldn't be at school today.  We are excited to see him on Monday! 

We poured our own milk and water for snack!  Look at those fine motor skills growing! 

During small group time we not only practiced school routines, we also played a fun I Spy game to help us learn each other's names! 

We then practiced each other's names again as we played a Jesus loves you game in which we said a friend's name, said "Jesus loves you (insert name of friend)!" and rolled the ball to said friend. 

We had fun dancing to silly songs!  Mr. Debrick even came in and danced with us for a while! 

During Jesus time, we talked about who made us.  God made us!  We sang a song that reminds us that God made us and He loves us very much.  We read the book I Like Myself, and talked about how God made us each different and special.  

We prayed together thanking God for making us! 

We had a fantastic first day!  We are going to have a great year of preschool!! 

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