Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Don't forget to sign up for a Spring Parent Teacher Conference by Friday if you would like to schedule a conference.  :)

We had a fun day today!  We met two new friends, Mrs. Hollowood and her son JJ!  Mrs. Hollowood filled in for Mrs. Povich today.  

Here are a few highlights from our day!

During Jesus time we sang songs praising Jesus for suffering on the cross and rising again!  Many of the children said, "Easter is not all about the Easter bunny!"  The Lord is clearly working in their hearts! 

We started taking apart our VCR today!  The children enjoyed using the screwdriver to loosen the screws to see what we could take out.  (Watch out!  I overheard one child say, "I should use a screwdriver to fix my grandma's broken TV.")  We discussed that we only take things like this apart when we have permission.  This activity allows the children a hands-on experience in exploration, reasoning, and critical thinking! 

We will use the knowledge we learn through this exploration as we make electric wires out of yarn for our city!

Ethan noticed that the safety goggles kept falling off of Bella, so he used his finger to hold them up for her!  What a great way to show God's love Ethan!! 

We traced/rubbed pennies in the writing center.  We made observations about what we saw in our tracings such as letters and numbers.  We also used our tracing of the pennies to make our own creations such as snowmen, people, and balls! 

We also practiced letter recognition and letter sound matching as we played tricky mouse in small groups! 

We started working on our collaborative classroom art piece inspired by Piet Mondrian.  We used tape to make squares and rectangles, just like Mondrian.  Then, we each painted one of the squares a color that we noticed in his artwork.  The children are learning to work together and to compliment each other on their hard work! 

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