Monday, March 18, 2013

Thursday, March 28th school will dismiss at 12:00.  Please pack your child a sack lunch on this day as there is no school lunch program, but we will still eat lunch before the end of the day.

There is no school March 29th-April 5th for Easter Break. We will return to school on Monday, April 8th. 

We had a great day in school today!  Check out what we did!

We started our new estimation/comparing activity today!  The children voted to see which jar had more.  Then, they wrote how many they thought each jar had.  In this activity, the children are practicing writing, number recognition, number to quantity matching, and comparing.  

Of course we investigated new maps!  

Back by popular demand- the Tricky Mouse Game!  This game helps the children recognize letters and continues to work on letter to sound matching. 

We learned about Palm Sunday today.  We went on a Palm Sunday walk praising God and singing Hosanna! 

We stamped with yarn wrapped around blocks today!  The creations the children made turned out great. 

We continued to practice counting and number recognition in the block center.  I placed various papers with numbers on the papers.  The children worked together to recognize the number and make a tower containing that many blocks! 

We continued to build our city this today.  We ran into a bump today as we looked at our map and the space left on the carpet to build.  We had a discussion if we would have enough room for all of the buildings.  

"If we made all of the buildings, there would be no room!"
"I don't think there is enough room." 

I asked the children how we could solve the space problem.

"We could build one more building, but that would be it."
"Yeah, maybe just one."

Allowing the children to find solutions to problems by themselves provides an opportunity for children to learn valuable problem solving skills! 

We also practiced matching beginning sounds with a fun collaborative game! 

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