Monday, October 15, 2012

Happy Monday!  We had a great day in preschool!

Check out what we did!

We started out day by fixing those tricky numbers that keep getting mixed up!  As the children work to put the numbers back in correct numerical order, they are developing numerical thinking!

We each practiced saying the Five Little Pumpkins Poem.  This poem is not only fun, but it also helps us learn rhythm and rhyme. 

We continued to work on our pumpkin lanterns.  These lanterns will also serve as a cutting assessment for each child.  It is important to assess children to see areas of strength and areas for growth.

We predicted whether our pumpkin would sink or float.  We discussed ideas why we thought it would sink or float. 

"It will sink because it's heavy." One child said.

It floats!  We discussed that a pumpkin is like a ball, filled with mostly air on the inside, and that is why it floats.  Through this activity, the children are exchanging scientific ideas. 

One friend said, "Well a little pumpkin won't have that much air in it so it will sink!" 

We tested that theory too.  It floated too! 

Through this child initiated discovery, the children are developing and applying scientific reasoning!

The Magic House came today!  It was so much fun!

We learned all about vibrations!

We enjoyed playing in the pumpkin patch.  We counted and explored the money as we played.  Through our play we were working on one to one correspondance, counting, and number recognition.

Addison ordered the pumpkins by size!

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