Happy Monday! We had a great day in preschool!
Check out what we did today!
We started the day working in small groups. We webbed what we know about spiders. We will use the web to compare with webs throughout the Project to see what we have learned.
We drew a picture of a spider today too. We will also compare our pictures we drew today to an observational drawing of a spider we will do later on in the Project. I am interested to see how the drawings change!
We told a story about a time we saw a spider today. It is important to engage children's prior knowledge about a topic to see what we can learn and which direction to take the learning throughout the project.
We also re-visited the story of David and Goliath. We remembered that like David, with God, we can do ANYTHING! We learned Philippians 4:13 as we echoed, "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."
We created at the art center today. As the children engage in creative activities, they are using higher level thinking skills!
We continue to learn and practice positive social skills at school. The children are learning to interact with one another in positive ways. They are daily practicing conflict resolution. These social skills are life long skills that will benefit the children throughout their lives!
We look forward to our Harvest Parties tomorrow and Wednesday! Thank you Gloria and Amanda for all of the work you have put into planning them!