Monday, March 24, 2014

Welcome back! I pray that everyone had a safe and restful spring break! 

We had a great day back in school!  

The friends were excited to see the car rug in the block center!  They used their imagination and cooperation as they played together! 

Some friends chose to make ramps with the tubes! As they build and create, the friends are practicing problem solving skills and strengthening foundational math skills. 

The friends were also excited to see that the dramatic play area has changed!  The friends took turns cooking, creating, and serving each other.  

Some friends engaged in meaningful writing as they worked to create a menu for our dramatic play center.  Meaningful writing, as opposed to copying arbitrary words, is an effective way to teach writing skills and foster the love of writing.

As we practiced the alphabet durning morning meeting, we used our bodies to make the letters!  The children were able to choose how to make the letter with their bodies; look at the differences in the pictures!  This activity engages the children by connecting the letters to a kinesthetic experience. 

We started our food project today too! 

We observed this pack of oatmeal and hypothesized what this bag was. We discussed that oatmeal is a type of food! 

During small groups, we used various items to create a texture painting! 

We practiced number recognition, one to one correspondence, and counting as we played a counting game with beads! 

The friends dictated to me a story about food.  This activity engages the children's prior knowledge about food.  It is important to engage children's prior knowledge about a subject in order to build upon that knowledge throughout the project.  Furthermore, as children's prior knowledge is engaged and attached to new information, a an organized cognitive structure is formed.  Organized cognitive structures tend to retain information more effectively.  

Dictations provide an opportunity for children to see the connection between spoken word and written print.  This is a valuable literacy skill!  

Some of the children made comments as I wrote what they said.

"Wow!  I said all that?!" 
"There are two Z's in pizza?"
"I want to write that fast someday!" 

We also had fun running and playing outside!  

Look at our new Early Childhood wing!  The friends love to watch the construction workers! 

During Jesus time, we learned about Jesus on Palm Sunday.  We learned that there was a parade for Jesus as He entered the city.  We learned that Jesus is our hero because He saved us from our sins when He died on the cross and rose again!  Thank you Jesus! 

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